Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde

EIF is supporting Cabo Verde to incorporate trade-related strategies into its Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper, with the aim to strengthen the country's participation in regional and global markets.

In-country training sessions have had a strong emphasis on quality standards and project development.

Analyzing constraints, prioritizing policies

Analyzing constraints, prioritizing policies
Campaigning for Cabo Verde

Campaigning for Cabo Verde

EIF is working to increase Cabo Verde's exports by strengthening institutional capacities to create and implement national trade strategies and policies.


  • The Strategic Plan for Trade Development, validated at a national workshop in June 2015, identified agriculture, tourism and creative industries as sectors for development.
  • 105 women participated in an entrepreneurship meeting organized in partnership with Associação das Mulheres Empresárias de Santiago to promote small and micro enterprises.
  • 43 participants from the private and public sectors attended training sessions on product quality, standards, project development and management.
  • 39 SMEs were trained in labor laws, food safety and hygiene, helping to achieve higher standards in food management protocols.

Cabo Verde DTIS Update (2013) Action Matrix
Cabo Verde DTIS Update (2013)
Securing Sustained Impact: Implementing IPoA:…
Cabo Verde DTIS Update Action Matrix (2013)
Cabo Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study…
Cabo Verde Action Matrix (2009)
Cabo Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (…