


Diagnostic Trade Integration Study


DTIS Update


WTO Accession
Incorporating trade in development policy

Incorporating trade in development policy
Partnering with the Pacific Islands

Partnering with the Pacific Islands

EIF is working to strengthen the capacity of people and institutions in Tuvalu to formulate and implement trade policies that support poverty reduction, inclusive growth and sustainable development.


  • Developing training for Government personnel in conjunction with the implementation of the country's Trade Policy Framework.
  • The 2015 Talofa Trade Fair with the theme “Business is Tuvalu’s future” was held over a two‑week period.
  • Tuvalu’s initial market access offers presented at the 14th Intersessional Meeting of the PACER Plus trade negotiations in March 2016 in Australia.

  • The presence of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) in Tuvalu is unique for developing a trade ecosystem: the small funding provided has garnered catalytic and disproportionately large results in strengthening the policy environment and sector‑specific capacity‑building. Through EIF resources, Tuvalu developed a concerted national trade development strategy, a tourism strategy and an e-commerce strategy, as well as improved investment and standards regulations. This policy environment enables effective interventions in promising sectors, such as coconut oil, dried fish, tourism and productive capacity, down to local businesses and shareholders at the grassroots level.
  • The EIF has also helped establish the EIF National Implementation Unit (NIU) as a public good. It has supported the coordination of different development partners in Tuvalu, including the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the Pacific Islands Forum and the Australian Agency for International Development.

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Tuvalu Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS…
Tuvalu Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS…