eTrade for All

27 April 2022 - Ratnakar Adhikari
The EIF recognises that our contribution to creating a thriving e-commerce ecosystem in LDCs is part and parcel of a bigger effort bringing together the expertise and skills of many others. While some are working together with the private sector, including small businesses, others are working with governments. While some invest in building digital infrastructure, others impart knowledge to build digital skills and yet others provide support to prepare and implement e-commerce policies.
8 January 2020 - UNCTAD
UNCTAD's assessment identifies available opportunities and barriers to overcome for e-commerce to flourish in the country.
The Global Trade Professionals Alliance (GTPA) is delighted to partner with the EIF Programme on a session focussed on building skills for the digital economy through education, interaction & advocacy as part of
8 August 2018 - Justine Namara Deanna Ramsay
Geographical barriers, including isolation from main markets, have resulted in issues for Vanuatu to access international networks and grow its businesses
7 August 2018 - Simon Hess
Launching of these specific initiatives demonstrates the progressive vision of Vanuatu to stimulate the economy and leverage opportunities through international trade for delivering growth and development
6 August 2018
What do a mountainous landlocked country, a post-war African nation, and three small island developing states have in common?
26 July 2018 - UNCTAD
Consumers and businesses in two remote Pacific island nations can look forward to a better connected and more prosperous future, according to assessments made by UNCTAD of their readiness to benefit from electronic commerce